Below is a list of acronyms used in this course.
MRM | Material Replenishment Method. This MRP driven procurement method is used with select direct materials suppliers across Intel's Systems Manufacturing and Assembly/Test sites. This forecast is communicated with suppliers via RosettaNet XML PIP 4A3 and/or the Web Forecast application's Delivery Schedule Report. Suppliers are required to ship a specific quantity of a material to an Intel site by a specified date. |
ASN | Advanced Shipment Notification |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange. A process where the suppliers electronically send their invoices to Intel. These invoices come over the VAN network and wait in a "mailbox" until Intel pulls them into what is referred to as a batch file. |
E2E CapX | Edge to Edge Capacity Exchange Planning |
FCST | Forecast used in the CapX business model. |
OeS SM PRF-RTF | Outsourcing Enterprise Solutions Systems Manufacturing Product Requirements Forecast - Response to Forecast |
MAR | Materials Auto Replenishment. This includes Automated Replenishment Method (ARM), ReOrder Point (ROP), Vendor Response System (VRS), and Consignment. |
MIDR | Midrange Forecast used in the CapX business model. Horizon is current to 2 or 3 months out. |
MRP | Material Requirements Planning. MRP is a set of techniques using inventory position, bill of material (BOM) information, and the master production schedule (MPS) to calculate time-phased material requirements. MRP data is pulled into the ARM replenishment system, enabling ARM to create replenishment forecasts for Suppliers. |
PIP | Partner Interface Process. The RosettaNet model that depicts the activities, decisions and Partner Role interactions that fulfill an eBusiness transaction between two partners in a supply chain. Each Partner must fulfill all obligations specified in a PIP. If any one party fails to perform a service as specified in the approved RosettaNet PIP documentation then the business transaction is null and void. |
PO | Purchase Order |
RDD | Required Dock Date. This is the date that the material is due at Intel's dock from the Supplier. |
ROP | ReOrder Point. This procurement method is based off past consumption. Suppliers are asked to ship a specified quantity by a certain date to an Intel site. This procurement method is most often used with epoxies, pastes, and other difficult to measure materials. |
WIP | Work-In-Progress |
TACT | Tactical Forecast used in the CapX business model. Horizon is 2 or 3 to 9 months out. |
TLC | Tax, Licensing and Customs |
USD | U.S. Dollars |
VAT | Value Added Tax. A tax imposed by foreign countries on goods and services. Some of these taxes are reclaimable by Intel. |
VRS | Vendor Response System. Allows ARM suppliers to view/input the quantity of a material that they plan to ship to an Intel site by a certain date. This form is used in conjunction with the ARM Delivery Schedule Report. |
TnT | Track and Trace feature in the Web ASN application. |
This is a component of the Web Suite application. It includes forecast information from Outsourcing Enterprise Solutions Systems Manufacturing (OeS SM), Edge to Edge Capacity Exchange Planning (e2e CapX), and Materials Auto Replenishment (MAR). |
Web Suite | Includes the following web applications: Web PO, Web Invoice, Payment Tracker, Web ASN, Web Forecast and the Routing Guide. |
XML | Extensible Markup Language. A programming language used for web applications. RosettaNet is standardizing the XML using "PIPs" to make it easier for business to automatically exchange bulk data over the web. |