Intel® Web Invoice application
offers the supplier a query to check
the status of web invoices that have
recently been submitted. The query
can be found as a link within the
application. The purpose of this query:
- Assists suppliers in tracking
their web invoices after they have
been submitted and displays
their work-in-process status until
they are successfully transmitted
in to Intel's system of record,
or rejected. This provides the suppliers
with an independent means of ad-hoc
- Provides visibility to web invoices
that are not yet visible in Payment
Tracker, which has a 24 hour delay.
query will provide the following list
of statuses:
- Submitted:
Invoice has been accepted without
error and awaits further processing.
- Transmitted:
Invoice has been received and awaits
further processing.
- In-progress:
Invoice is currently being evaluated
by the system for entry into system
of record, or has been blocked,
and is awaiting manual analysis.
- Rejected:
Invoice was rejected by system of
record during invoice entry or manually
by a processor following manual
Processed: Invoice has
been assigned a status in the system
of record. Status available on the
Payment Tracker within 24 hours
The vast majority of invoices are
submitted and processed with no
The invoices which are rejected
will show up in "My Notifications"
section in the supplier portal.
Each rejected invoice will have
a reject reason. Please see the
chapter on rejected invoices for
further clarification.
Click to view a demo on how suppliers can check the invoice status. |