Question 1: How do I register for Intel® Web Invoice? |
Response: Have your 10-digit Supplier Number ready. This is an identification number provided by Intel to all suppliers. If you do not know this number or if you are unsure of the number, obtain your supplier number from your Intel Contact. Have your company Tax / VAT / GST / Company Registration Number ready. This is the number that corresponds to the country/region of your corporate address. This information will be requested during the registration process.
All you need to do is register at Once Intel receives your application, Intel will notify you via email when you have been approved for use. Directions for registering are located on the Web on the Registration page:
Question 2: How do I check the status of my request for access to Intel® Web Invoice? |
Response: To check status of your current requests, login at, go to Manage My Account ->Check Status of Application/EVM requests.
In addition, each user will be emailed individually to confirm their access level address validation. The email will contain a list of physical locations that Intel has on file for your company. Check the locations to which you would like Web Suite access and then email the form back to Intel. Keep in mind these are locations where you receive POs from Intel. After access is confirmed, you will receive approval via email.
Question 3: Whom do I contact if I have not received approval of my application? |
Response:For registration questions or issues, call Intel e-Business Support Line at Phone Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. International phone numbers are listed on the Registration page. |
Question 4: I provide a service….what date do I put in Ship/Service Date field in the Intel® Web Invoice? |
Response: The Ship/Service date for service invoice is normally based on actual date the service was delivered/performed. A service invoice that was sent via the Web will go through an RFA (Request for Approval) process that requires the end-user at Intel to approve/reject the Intel® Web Invoice.
Question 5: I need to submit credit/debit memo……what do I do? |
Response: Credit Memos can be submitted using Intel® Web Invoice. Go to Create New Credit Memo link on the Intel Web Invoice Main Menu to launch the Enter PO# screen. Please refer here for detailed guidance.
Question 6: I need to submit an invoice for a down payment PO ..... what do I do? |
Response: Down Payment requests will be created by Intel procurement for suppliers from all countries except China, Viet Nam, India and Israel. Down Payment request information will be displayed in line level texts in WebPO. Suppliers from China, Viet Nam, India and Israel should contact their Intel procurement representative for the process to submit hard copy invoices. The Down Payment Request functionality in WebInvoice has been disabled.
Question 7: How do I know the reason why an invoice was rejected? The Invoice Status page of the Intel® Web Invoice contains no such information. |
Response: You are notified in a timely fashion if an invoice was rejected and for what reason. Any rejected invoice will cause a message to route back to you in the Your Notifications box when you go to the website and enter your password. This is where you will be informed of the specific reason for the rejection. To see the message regarding the reason the invoice was rejected, make sure you are viewing the notification box in "Full View." To get to "Full View," click the "Full View" text at the top of the Notification box. Once you are in "Full View," click the rejected invoice in Your Notifications box. The text of the notice contains an explanation regarding why the invoice was rejected and how to get additional assistance.
Question 8: What if I get an error message stating that my PO cannot be found or that I have entered an invalid PO number? |
Response:You must enter the entire PO number in the PO field for Intel® Web Invoice to retrieve the requested information and in order to continue. If you have trouble, try searching for the PO. When you search, narrow the search to those invoices that are open and invoiceable.
In addition, the PO you are seeking might have been converted from Intel's prior system of record to the current one. You can check the Converted PO Numbers link. The display enables you to view Old and New PO numbers. Identify the new PO number and try to retrieve it. If your PO number is for a PO in a Euro-zone currency, you will also find the new PO number on this page.
Question 9: Can I submit the invoice before the goods arrive at Intel? |
Response: Intel requests that Intel® Web Invoices be submitted on the expected arrival date of the shipment or after the goods have arrived at Intel's dock. Any shipment that is not received at the time of Intel® Web Invoice submission will result in a mismatch. This will put the invoice on hold pending receipt of the shipment.
Question 10: Can we submit invoice under Percentage Payments through Intel® Web Invoice? |
Response: Percentage payments can be submitted using Intel® Web Invoice. Invoices for FCT PO’s are out of scope at this time for Intel® Web Invoice.
Question 11: When can we expect payment after submission of invoice through the Web? |
Response: Intel starts the payment clock based on the date Intel® Web Invoice receives a valid invoice or the date Intel receives the goods, whichever is later. This follows our purchase order and contract language.
Question 12: Can we do partial invoicing for partial shipments through Intel® Web Invoice? |
Response: You can invoice for partial shipment as long as the PO is not closed.
Question 13: Does the Intel® Web Suite work for Non-PO suppliers, i.e. direct bill? If not, what activity is occurring to enable these processes to move to eBusiness? |
Response: The Intel® Web Suite does not work for Non-PO transactions at this point in time.
Question 14: When submitting invoices online, do the Buyers know about invoices that arrive before the receipt of goods? |
Response: Buyers are aware of this issue. These invoices will show as a mismatch in the Buyer's queue and in the Intel® Payment Tracker application. However, these will be updated when goods are received at Intel's dock.
Question 15: How do I update Intel® Web Invoice with my Tax ID and how do I revise it, if it is incorrect on the Invoice review screen? |
Response: Your Tax ID should have been included on the Supplier record in our Vendor Master when you initially become an Intel supplier. You should advise your Intel Buyer of any revision to that number so the Vendor Master record can be updated. In addition, we request that you include your Tax ID when registering for the Intel® Web Suite. Revisions to The Intel® Web Suite registration profile can be updated in the My Profile link.
Question 16: What do I enter into the Invoice Total Tax on the Create Invoice screen? |
Response: Enter the total amount of Tax/VAT/GST applied to the invoice. If there is no Tax/VAT/GST for the invoice, you must enter an amount of "0." You need to enter a Total Tax for the invoice, even if the Total Tax is "0." The application will not calculate the amount of total tax on your invoice for you.