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Intel® Web Suite Overview


Web ASN (Advance Shipment Notification) is a Intel® Web Suite application that provides suppliers a way to notify Intel of information on in-transit materials and shipments. The concept behind Web ASN is relatively new: whereas the other applications in Intel® Web Suite take an existing manual system to the next level of existing e-commerce, Web ASN is an entirely new application for most suppliers.

Web ASN provides value to both Intel and its suppliers. Intel buyers and transaction specialists can receive reports warning of shipments that cannot be immediately received, such as shipped quantities greater than those specified on a purchase order. Many Intel receiving docks use these ASNs submitted online to minimize manual data entry errors and to fill in missing information when a shipment arrives. Use of online ASNs reduces the number of receiving errors and enables prompt payment to suppliers.

Intel also realizes significant cost and time savings through Web ASN because use of the application minimizes or eliminates phone calls, email messages, and faxes between suppliers and Intel that may currently be required to track shipments.

Web ASN pulls data from Web PO and from the supplier's own data entry. It contains information such as part numbers, quantity, PO, expected arrival date, and other critical shipment data.

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