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Question 1: What is the Profile and how do I create one?


Response: The ASN Profile allows you to save certain data fields specific to you as a supplier so that they can be repeated in subsequent ASNs. The purpose is to reduce your data entry required to submit an ASN.

To create a Profile, enter a profile name in the 'Enter a New Profile' field before submitting an ASN. The profile will automatically save certain fields from the ASN you are submitting. The next time you create an ASN, you can recall the saved Profile by selecting the profile name from 'Select an Existing Profile' field. Fields that can be saved in the profile will be identified on the ASN entry screen (after August 3, 2001).

Question 2: What do I do if the 'Ship To' address does not populate?


Response: The 'Ship To' address populates from the 'ship to' information on the Intel purchase order. If the 'ship to' address is either not on the purchase order or not in the specified address fields of the purchase order (for example, in the notes section) then it will not auto-populate in the ASN. If this happens, manually populate the 'ship to' information and check the 'Ship to address differs from PO' box on the ASN before submitting.

You may also inform your Intel contact of this omission and request that they update the purchase order with the current 'ship to' information. (This may not always be possible.) Also, note that the 'Ship to address differs from PO' box is checked if any changes are made.

Question 3: 'Packing Slip Number' is a required field, however, my company does not use packing slip numbers. What should be entered?

Response: Invoice Number, HAWB Number, Bill of Lading Number and Master Airwaybill Number may also be entered into the 'Packing Slip Number' field.

Question 4: What is the 'DUNS No.'?


Response: DUNS is the number assigned to all companies by Dun & Bradstreet. The DUNS number identifies the specific entity within that company that is being referred to in the ASN.

Question 5: I want to enter an 'Expected Arrival Date' prior to today but the system will not allow it.


Response: ASN is a real-time tool and it is extremely important that Suppliers enter ASNs in a timely manner. Intel requests that ASNs be entered within 4 hours of material shipment (or prior to material receipt when transit times are less than 4 hours). An ASN submitted the next day is not beneficial to Intel because our internal systems and alerts require ASN data as soon as it is available.

When all ASN data is not available immediately, we encourage suppliers to enter the ASN within 4 hours of material shipment and to update the record later with HAWB and any other important shipment data.

Question 6: I don't have all the shipment tracking info at time of shipment. When do I enter the ASN?


Response: Intel requests that ASNs be entered within 4 hours of material shipment (or prior to material receipt when transit times are less than 4 hours). Any shipment tracking information that is not available at the time of shipment can be entered into the ASN record afterwards using the 'View/Update ASN' link.

Question 7: I don't manage my shipments to Intel and do not know what date to enter into the 'Expected Arrival Date' field when submitting my ASN.


Response: All purchase orders placed by Intel have a date by which the materials are needed. Even though you may not know the exact day that the materials are expected to arrive, you should have an estimate of when they will reach their destination. 'Expected Arrival Date' is your best estimate of that arrival date and, in your case, is truly an estimate.

One key benefit of the 'Expected Arrival Date' is that ASN alerts Intel's buyers and transaction specialists when this date differs from the requested date on the purchase order, helping to minimize issues from early or late shipments.

Question 8: What if I get an error message stating my PO cannot be found or that I have entered an invalid PO number?


Response: You must enter the entire PO number in the PO field in order for ASN to retrieve the information and allow you to continue. Sometimes, Intel PO numbers contain several numbers or letters then a space and then several additional characters. You must enter all of these numbers and letters in the PO field. For instance, for PO number 234567A 9876, if you enter only 234567A, then ASN will not find the PO. You must enter a space and the last 4 digits for it to work correctly.

If you still have trouble, try searching for the PO. When you search, use the broadest search criteria possible (e.g., date range only) to find the PO. After you find the PO and the number is on the search screen, select the Next button to be taken to the ASN screen.

Question 9: Can I update the 'Packing Slip Number' on an ASN that has already been submitted?


Response: Packing Slip Number cannot be updated on an ASN that has already been submitted. If the packing slip number has changed for a previously submitted ASN, delete the existing ASN and create a new one with the correct packing slip number.

Question 10: Why do I get an error message that reads "Please enter pairs of lot number and lot quantity" when I have correctly entered data in the lot information field?


Response: Even If it looks like there are no extra spaces in the information (tabs, carriage returns, etc.), the formatting can still be incorrect.

RESOLUTION: If users copy and paste their information from their source system into a plain text editor (like Notepad), they should be able to see if there are extra "spaces." True extra spaces in between the pairs or trailing spaces at the end of the string of values do not matter; these get trimmed by the application prior to submission. What does matter are "tabs" and carriage returns. Thus, the user should delete the "tabs" or carriage returns and put one space in between each value before trying to submit via the Web tool. Once everything is correct in Notepad, then copy and paste the information into ASN. Notepad is recommended because it does not wrap the text (like Word Pad and other applications do). The wrapped text makes it harder to distinguish between spaces/tabs/carriage returns.

Although it will take another minute or two, it is a good practice to run the lot information through the plain text editor to see if there are "hidden" formatting activities.


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