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Intel® Web Suite Overview


The Routing Guide is Intel® Web Suite application that provides our suppliers a front end tool that enables visibility to the transportation routes determined by SAP. In order for the supplier to access the Routing Guide, they must have access to the Intel ® Web Suite applications.

The Routing Guide provides value to both Intel and its suppliers. Intel buyers and transaction specialists are no longer responsible for determining a carrier and service level for a shipment. The supplier now has a tool that establishes a process for Intel to communicate shipping instructions (preferred corporate carriers and contracted service levels) to suppliers when Intel is paying for shipping charges.

When the Routing Guide is deployed, the Supplier can use the Routing Guide on POs created, but not shipped, even if shipping instructions currently appear on the existing POs.

It is important to understand that even though the information within the Routing Guide is available from a link in the Web PO and Web ASN, it is not linked to feed data back to the Web PO, Web ASN or any other application.

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