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Intel® Web Suite Overview

What is Profile

What is a Profile?
All users who have access to WebSuite applications or eAcceptance have a Profile that must be maintained in order to view and act on transactions.
A Profile allows you to control which transactions you receive e-mail notifications of, which are visible to you, and which you can act on.
New approved Web Suite users will have their Profile setting auto map to all Intel Locations. To set any preference, users would need to modify MyProfile settings by deselecting the Intel locations.

How does a Profile work?
You control the transactions you see by selecting combinations of Supplier locations (called “Vendor” or “supplier number”) and Intel locations (called “Company Code”).
Suppliers locations are designated with 10 digit numbers (e.g.. 0123456002).
Intel locations are designated with three digit codes known as “Company Codes” (e.g.. Intel Corporation is 100, Intel Americas, Inc. is 150, etc.).

You can select to see transactions placed between supplier location 0123456002 and Intel location 100, and between supplier location 0123456002 and Intel location 150, but deselect (i.e. filter out) transactions between 0123456002 and Intel location 500.

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