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Intel® Web Suite Overview

Best Known Methods (BKMs)

Your Profile allows you to filter out transactions you do not wish to see. This means you don’t have to look through lists of transactions to find the ones that you’re responsible for. This also enables you to share the transaction workload with other users from your company.

You work for supplier 0123456002. You’re responsible for filling purchase orders for your supplier location 0123456002, Intel location 100 which places the order.

Another user at your company is responsible for filling purchase orders for supplier location 0123456002, Intel location 450 which places the order.

You would select on your Profile the following combinations:
Supplier location 0123456002-to-Intel location 100

You would de-select on your Profile the following combinations:
Supplier location 0123456002-to-Intel location 450

Your co-worker would setup his/her profile the exact opposite.

Note: It is most efficient if all users at a company can jointly agree on Profile settings to ensure proper ‘ownership’ of all transactions. Failure to manage Profiles across all users can leave some transactions un-owned and can impact the supply line.

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