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Intel® Web Suite Overview


External end users (suppliers) can access the Web Forecast navigation bar shown on the left from all screens.

Navigation Overview:
Forecast Inbox The default page external users see when they access Web Forecast. This page is a summary of all of the records that are set up for a particular Supplier/Subcon. The external user can sort the inbox by clicking on any of the column headings. There are also hyperlinks to the detailed forecast and response reports on the inbox page.
Forecast Reports The Report query screen has a drop down menu which lists all the reports the external user can access. To view different reports, the external user selects the appropriate report from the drop down menu and it will populate with that Supplier/Subcon's data.
Search Forecast The search screen enables the user to filter the data that populates in the inbox by selecting certain parameters for Intel site, Trading partner, Forecast #, Material ID, Material Grouping, and Forecast Type.
Web Forecast Online Help This link takes the end user to the content page in the WebSuite course that provides more information on functionality.
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