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Intel® Web Suite Overview

Forecast Inbox

The inbox screen, shown above, is a summary page which lists all active forecast records placed to the supplier numbers to which the user’s account is entitled in the previous 1 week for ARM, previous 2 weeks for FCST, MIDR and TACT, current plus previous 2 weeks for ISSP_PRF, ISSP_ITEM.
Inbox Field:

Users may click the View in Excel button on each record to export the detailed data to Microsoft Excel.

Purchase Order/Forecast #
  • Where the 'Forecast Type' is ARM or ROP, the Forecast # represents the record's scheduling agreement (SA) number. This includes all records under the Material Auto Replenishment (MAR) program.
  • Where the ‘Forecast Type’ is FCST, MIDR, or TACT, the Forecast # represents the record’s Document ID number for Product Requirements Forecast (PRF) records.
  • Where the 'Forecast Type' is ISSP_PRF or ISSP_ITEM, the Forecast # represents the forecast number assigned by another system.

  • Note: Each Forecast # is a hyperlink to the detailed schedule, as indicated below:
    • Where the 'Forecast' Type is ARM, the Forecast # will act as a hyperlink to the MAR Delivery Schedule Report.
    • Where the 'Forecast Type' is ROP, the Forecast # will act as a hyperlink to the ROP Forecast Report.
    • Where the 'Forecast Type' is FCST, MIDR, or TACT, the Forecast # will act as a hyperlink to the Detailed Forecast Report for all the materials that have the same forecast number.
    • Where the 'Forecast Type' is ISSP_PRF or ISSP_ITEM, the Forecast # is a hyperlink to the detailed monthly/weekly RTF response page.
  • For ARM or ROP, the Ship-To will be a four character Intel location receiving the material. The Ship-From indicates the supplier name that is shipping the materials to Intel.
  • For FCST, MIDR, TACT, the Ship-From is the trading partner code or trading partner location shipping the material. The Ship-To is the Intel site or distribution center receiving the material.
Trading Partner ID
  • For ARM, ROP, ISSP_PRF and ISSP_ITEM, this field refers to a number that was assigned to the Supplier by Intel.
  • For FCST, MIDR, and TACT this field refers to a number that was assigned to the trading partner working with Intel.
Material Grouping
  • For ARM and ROP, the value will be “Direct Mtls”.
  • For FCST, MIDR and TACT, the value will be the family name of the Material ID, the supplier product grouping, or blank.
Material ID
  • For ARM and ROP, this field refers to an Intel generated number that has been assigned to the part that the Supplier is shipping to Intel.
  • For FCST, MIDR and TACT, this field refers to an Intel product code that is being supplied by the trading partner working with Intel.
Forecast Date
  • For ARM and ROP, this field refers to the date Intel last refreshed the data, and will fall on a Thursday.
  • For FCST, MIDR and TACT, this is the date the forecast was sent by the system.
  • For ISSP_PRF and ISSP_ITEM, this is the date the forecast was received from another system. The time display is according to UTC time.
Intel Contact This is a hyperlink to the Intel Representative's email account.
Forecast Type

This field notes the specific forecasting method that is being used under Web Forecast. The options under this column are:

  • ARM: (Automated Replenishment Method) This MRP driven procurement method is used with select direct materials suppliers across Intel's Systems manufacturing and Assembly test sites. This forecast is communicated with suppliers via RosettaNet XML PIP 4A3 and/or the Web Forecast application's Delivery Schedule Report. Suppliers are required to ship a specific quantity of a material to an Intel site by a specified date.
  • ROP: (Re Order Point) This procurement method is based off past consumption. Suppliers are asked to ship a specified quantity by a certain date to an Intel site. This procurement method is most often used with epoxies, pastes, and other difficult to measure materials.
  • FCST, MIR and TACT:  FCST = Forecast, MIDR = MidRange Forecast, and TACT = Tactical Forecast.  These are Product Requirements Forecast (PRF-RTF) transaction types.
  • ISSP_PRF and ISSP_ITEM: PRF = Group Level Forecast, ITEM = Item Level Forecast.
Response Type

This field is a hyperlink to detailed response web pages.

  • ROP: There will not be any data in this field. It will be left blank.
  • ARM: If there is a date in the response column, it means that the supplier has already remitted a response to Intel, either via the web or through a RosettaNet XML (PIP 4A5) response. Once the response is entered, it becomes date of response. If the field says "Enter VRS", it means that no response data has been received from the supplier yet for the week. Each week runs from Thursday to Wednesday. This column contains hyperlinks to the Vendor Response Form. Note: Once the response has been submitted for a specific material, the supplier will not be able to submit it again.
  • FCST, MIDR, and TACT: Takes the user to the response detail page (RTF input screen) for a single material.
  • ISSP_PRF and ISSP_ITEM: If there is a date in the response column, it means that the supplier/SAM has already remitted a response to Intel via Web. Once the response is entered, it becomes date of response and the supplier/SAM will not be able to submit it again. If the field says "New", it means that no response data has been received from the supplier/SAM yet for the week. If the field says "View Only", it means that the forecast is for View only.

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